Sunday, February 17, 2008

My baby goes under the knife- on tv.

This was definitely the most interesting Valentine's I'm likely to ever have (since I'm not particularly fond of the day, single or no)!

Stella got spayed.
You're gonna do whaaat?
Aw hell to the naw.

But as a supermodel!
Well, that's different. I accept.

The Maryland SPCA here in Baltimore City opened a new low cost spay/neuter clinic and she was the "model" pit bull puppy for the procedure- since all their puppies are fixed before adoption they wanted a community pit bull to use as an example.

Now, the fact that she has a heart on her chest, and that she turned 4 months old, all on Valentine's Day?

...and is not afraid to pose nude?

All a coincidence- it's all about who you know and the wonderful man who adopted her mother (a shout-out to Vince C!) knew the Development Director at MD-SPCA and suggested Stella.

More surprising- we ended up being featured on two local newscasts as part of the story: WJZ (CBS) filmed part of her surgery (don't worry, no gross stuff) and WMAR (ABC) was really funny. The opening was also covered in the Baltimore Sun although we weren't mentioned.

The MD-SPCA people did a fantastic job- everyone was so nice and just perfect, really. Stella is doing wonderfully (although cranky that she can't be as active as usual) and I couldn't have asked for a better experience.

I can has sticks AND chewies again?


  1. Hi! I saw your post on PopSugar and followed your link. I volunteer at the SPCA in Baltimore City (on Falls Road). Very cool that your dog is a star!!

  2. omg. OMG. this killed me. i love it. ;)


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Who knows